Tantric massage training


Hi, Im Emily, I’m a tantra goddess, I’ve practice tantra for 5 years now, I offer tantric massage service , course and tantric training program.

What is Tantric Massage

The Tantric massage is one of the most sensual, sexual, and the same time spiritual experience and mastering its techniques and learning the exercises and practices that are often coupled with it would make you a better partner and a better lover. While some of the strokes, moves, and techniques incorporated in the Tantric sessions are used in other forms of massage, understand the idea and the aim of these sensual practices requires you to approach them with an open mind. You could start by purchasing a few books or reading online more about the history of Tantra, its link to Buddhism, the Vedic tradition, and Yoga, or you could concentrate purely on learning the breathing and gazing exercises and the massage itself.

About Training

Most upscale massage centers in Sydney offer Tantric massage training, which you can attend on your own or, even better, together with your partner. During these sessions, you would learn more about the human sexuality, various methods and techniques that can help the receiver awaken his or her senses and release tension, stress, and sexual energy. You could also learn how to perform Lingham and Yoni massage, and use different strokes and grips in order to honor your pattern, and pleasure him or her like never before!

Once you have experienced the delights and joys of tantric massage, you may be interested in learning more about the tantric way of life. You may even be interested in learning the tantric techniques that have been used on you. Well, the good news is that so many establishments in Sydney will offer this kind of training.

Some will offer it on an individual basis; others prefer couples to learn it together. In fact, you may find that if you are a lone male and want to discover more about tantric massage training, you may have to undertake a little research to find the right facility. However, there are so many to choose from that you will find an excellent trainer in no time at all. You may have to sift thorough all the information to ensure it meets all your criteria. If you are on a budget, then you may have to pay heed to this aspect also.

The way the training is structured may also be different according to the establishment you choose to accept the tantric massage training from. Some may offer courses over the course of 1 day or 2 days. Others may include in-house training, which includes other aspects of the tantric art. This longer course will, of course, be more expensive, but it may be more conducive to the type of training you want. Many people enjoy the massage aspect of the Tantra, but others are interested in learning the spiritual aspects too and how it fits in with expanding awareness and honouring your Godhead.

The whole Tantra experience is about love and respect. This is crucial in your understanding of how Tantra fits into your life. Celebrating the physical aspect of the body by anointing it with oil and massaging away all the worldly efforts, strains and tensions, allows a freedom of the spirit to emerge. This is one of the most important aspects and should not be taken lightly if you are interested in taking tantric massage training. If you consider undertaking the training just to get your kicks, then you may be disappointed at the holy and reverential way in which the trainer approaches the subject. However, if your intention is to fulfil yourself and your partner and you have a true aim in wanting to help each other reach a spiritual goal then tantric massage training will more than exceed your expectations.

Once you have learnt the basics, you may be more interested in becoming a therapist yourself. Therefore, you will need to look for practitioner training in Sydney. These courses will generally run over a succession of days and you will be required to undertake home study too. On successful completion of the course you will be awarded a diploma certificate and you will need to obtain practitioner liability insurance before you can undertaken a tantric massage on a member of the public or use it in any business capacity. Once you have fulfilled this criterion, you can set up and offer tantric massage to other people and couples and help them to experience the wonderful world that has changed your life.

Once you have undertaken tantric massage training, you will find your everyday relationships take on a different meaning. The relationship with your loved ones will become deeper and the connection will have a more spiritual link than before. Practicing tantric massage together will be an exploratory journey of discovery and it will ensure that your loving union grows. You will both be more relaxed with each other and you will find that your relaxed intimacy will give you a confidence in other areas of your life too.




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